
What's New in Applewin 1.8f ?

*Fix the infamous Win200 Recalibration bug! 
*Add Keymap.ini for remapping keyboard, like French keyboard. (ref keymap.txt) 
 Fix several bugs under Windows 2000.  
 Change the TEXT's color to pure GREEN in Color mode, for user's request.  

 I hope Win2000 users will show a smile at last.  

Applewin 1.8 Features:

1. Fix Transfer Apple File(F5) bug. Prior to v1.7, this func.  
can only transfer TEXT FILE correctly, thanks to FID's author.  
Great thanks to Paul Schlyter!!  (pausch@saaf.se) 
Now it can output AppleSoft(BASIC), IntegerBasic, Binary, and Text files 
correctly in beautiful format ^_^ 

2.Add Drag&Drop function by Oliver Schimdt.  
Drag a file (*.dsk,*.nib..etc) to the main screen,  
it'd be executed automatically! 
Drag a file (*.dsk,*.nib..etc) to Drive1 or Drive2,  
it'd be loaded only.  

3.This feature is great for AppleII programmers! 
After you edited a TEXT file (*.txt) or downloaded a AppleWin file (*.aw), 
you can use FileManager to drag&drop the file to AppleWin Mainscreen.  
(NOTE:Applewin must be in DOS3.3/COL40 text mode!) 
Then you will see it is transferred into your DOS3.3 disk! 
Ref .\DEMO\readme.txt for further details.  

4.And fix several minor bugs.  
