
This is a copy of dark crystal by sierra 1982 Hires adventure #6....

this took me ages to work out how to copy the original *.nib files.... SST didn't work...

transfere using ADT to apple ][e........

darkcrystal1a.dsk > normal disk image (bootable)
darkcrystal1b.dsk > contains shrinkit archive called dc.disk extracts to dc1b.disk (prodos)
darkcrystal2a.dsk > contains shrinkit archive called dc.disk extracts to dc2a.disk (prodos)
darkcrystal2b.dsk > contains shrinkit archive called dc.disk extracts to dc2b.disk (prodos)
darkcrystalsave.dsk > contains shrinkit archive called dc.disk extracts to dcsave.disk (prodos)

use shrinkit 3.4 and unshrink it to 3 blanks.....

this is the only way i found to copy this game to the apple ][....

Only use if you own the original!
