Once again, here we are - the winter of our disc content. <groan> This sixth incarnation of the Developer CD (or the fifth _develop_ CD, depending on where you get it) contains more Apple II stuff than ever before. Just a few of the new things you'll find on here (in glorious optical glory): * HyperCard IIgs - the release version * HyperCard goodies not available anywhere else, including sample XCMD source (in APW and MPW IIgs formats!), interface files (more accurate than the HyperCard IIgs Script Language Guide's Appendix A!) and HyperMover, the two-stack set that transfers Macintosh HyperCard stacks to the Apple IIgs. (And yes, we did remember to put both stacks on the CD this time.) * Apple IIgs System Software 5.0.4 - the release version * GSBug version 1.5b11 * Apple II Technical Notes and File Type Notes through January 1991 * Text and sample source code from _develop_ #5 * The Kula Magazine index, which Apple has licensed to bring you a reference of all kinds of great Apple II articles and journals in one convenient place One thing that was previously on the CD that is now gone is older versions of the Apple IIgs System Software. We've removed all of the older versions except those recommended for the various memory configurations: 3.2 (for 256K), 5.0.2 (for 512K through 1 MB) and 5.0.4 (for 1 MB or greater). If someone absolutely positively is unable to purchase more memory, he or she should at least use the last system software released for his or her configuration. We also removed all the resource forks from the Technical, File Type and Human Interface Notes (all of which were originally present for the traditional No Good Reason) and got rid of the corrupted files in _develop_ #4 and the IIc Plus Guided Tour, at least as far as we can tell. Comments, questions and suggestions for the Developer CD series are always welcome. You can write to us at: The Developer CD Series - Cool Guys and Gals Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Ave. MS: 75-3B Cupertino, CA 95014 or you can AppleLink us at DEV.CD. And there is absolutely no truth to the rumor that if you decompress this file with the proper decompession algorithm, you obtain the source code to FID, the DOS 3.3 File Utility. However, if you're that interested in FID or that bored you're certainly welcome to try anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MATT DEATHERAGE is a DTS engineer who moonlights with the Apple II content of the Developer CD series. He seems to be getting better at it, which is not really very comforting because that means they'll keep asking him to do it. He did recently get his piano tuned, which makes him a happer person in general.